
  • Researchers' Guild

    Researchers’ Guild is an Online International Double Blinded, Open Access, Refereed and Peer Reviewed research journal that aims at promoting young scholar talents from the fields of Humanistic and Social Sciences, especially those functioning within the subfields of Pedagogy, Psychology, Sociology, History of Education, Philosophy and Economy. Articles relating thematically to Education and Teaching are preferred as the aim is to make educational issues a reason for a wider interdisciplinary scholarly discussion. It is published Bi- Annually in English.

    We are mission-driven to facilitate the widest possible dissemination of high-quality research. Our commitments to the academic community and to global dissemination are the benchmarks of our journal publishing program. It also aims to encourage a better understanding of social changes in the modern societies and to bring together research scholars from various disciplines and countries to share their findings. 

    The Journal serves an intellectual audience that is interested in the latest research around the world. It addresses issues of current and future concern to allied fields, encouraging multi-disciplinary discussion. The journal promises the forum of high quality that is accessible to research scholars, educationists and lay audiences.

    The journal welcomes high-quality research work, original research papers, articles, reviews, and technical notes for publication.

  • Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk

    "Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk" to czasopismo multi-, inter- i trans- dyscyplinarne, przeznaczone dla promowania młodych talentów naukowych: studentów, doktorantów, młodych adiunktów

  • Journal of Education Culture and Society

    The aim of the periodical is to promote the work of young talented researchers in the humanities, cultural studies, social sciences, law, economics and education and the dialogue of sciences.